Being Still-Part 3 – “The Worshippers Zone”

Whose Captivating you – “The  Eforce V The Word “

Now please here me out, I see this e-force entering the “church world” now now please don’t shut me down.      I am just saying, I know we must move with the times and people don’t want to carry their Bibles to church because it may  heavy and they have it on their smart devices. I hear you and I have used it too on the odd occasions, not a regular practice, but  everyone has a choice.  Perhaps I may be a bit “old school” and love turning pages.

I think when  we come to the house  of  worship, we should be able to sit still and  focus for the duration of the service without the constant distractions. I have personally seen people on their phones messaging, checking social media and dare I even say shopping, constantly scrolling, their phones and whatever else  we are captivated by. One of the things I tend to do before service starts, is to put my phone on flight mode. I can still access the Bible, or notes without the constant distractions of messages, and notifications coming through.

Now you tell me, why is it so difficult that even when we are in church that we are captivated by the e-force, rather than being captivated by the “word” that we simply cannot be still for the duration of the service? read more part 4

Practical  Tip:  Try Flight Mode – If you have never tried it you can try it next time, I find it helps me switch off, and focused. I am not messing around with my device and  I can focus.

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