Being Still- Part 1- In a fast paced world


What  does being still mean to you? I have chosen a few words which I think can describe the word “still”, words like: silence, calm, mute, noiseless, peace, quietness.

Unfortunately, these words are  almost becoming  like hidden treasures that you purposely have to set aside time if you want to experience any of the benefits they bring.This is  especially true in the era we are living in, and the pace of life particularly in the “first world” were everyone seems to be constantly on the go. Not to say the other countries are lagging far behind, globally everyone is affected at the pace at which the world is moving, we can’t keep up.

Smart Tech Era – “E Shadow”

It is virtually becoming impossible to function and carry out daily activities without some form of smart Tech device e.g. our smart phones, I pad’s, tablets, and other devices are meant to make our lives much easier. We do so much these days with our devices, shopping, paying bills, camera, watching movies so many other functionalities available,that I probably do not even use or know about.

Don’t get me wrong, I do get it and we need to change and adapt with time.I guess whilst these smart tech devices are good and useful. I think that with everything one must have boundaries,self-discipline and adequate controls, on how best you use your smart devices. Almost everyone has some type of smart device, phone or e-gadget. We are so hooked on our phones and devices, you name it! you’ve got it.  It’s almost become part of us.

Could  this be you ? everywhere you go it literally follows you, it has almost become our E shadow, what am I talking about?  yes, you guessed  right. It Is that dreaded phone/device your hooked on-? people have bumped into each other, bumped into poles, accidentally stepped on the road all because they were so consumed by the “e-force” and they were so distracted that they were not concentrating or looking at what they were doing.

Why does it have to come with me everywhere I go, it’s not like I need it like I need the air to breath and live right? Read more.Being Still -Part 2 Choosing your space










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