The Gift Unravelled

The Gift

Gift are given willing,often as a symbol of an expression of gratitude, love and nowadays,simply as a “just because “

Our gift and talent have been given to us  for a purpose, not for us to boast, and collect trophies, albeit that’s a bonus and reward, I won’t deny …but  really a gift becomes  alive  when it’s given away.

Share the gift  “Don’t sit on it “
Gifts are meant to be given away or shared for the  mutual  benefit of others. As the seed must be sown in the ground and cultivated to bring much fruit so are you, who have been given talents and gifting, so others  can receive and be blessed from it”

1st Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”

Don’t sit on your talents  skills, gifts, rather explore the  possibilities of  what  you have, otherwise,your gift become of no  value, it  literally  profits no one If it’s kept hidden and locked. Imagine someone tells you they  have a  Christmas gift for you, but  its  now June and  you still haven’t  received your gift …but every time they  see you they are  reminded  that they still haven’t given it to you. I know what ill be thinking…hmm  not sure about you, i’ll leave  you to make your own  interpretation. Until  the  gift is given away to the intended party  the gift  becomes ineffective.

Uniquely Packaged  

Just as gifts come in a variety  of shapes, sizes, packages,colour  so are  we. I believe everyone has some  type of gift, talent or ability we all have something  unique to offer each other, we  are all different and diverse in many ways and that”s what makes the packages interesting, Even more beautiful is  when you  are  the gift  that is being unravelled .

Identifying your Gift

“Oh gift, Oh talent where  thus  thou  hide “ we spend so much time,looking at others, searching  in the  wrong places, without  direction, and end up pursuing the wrong  things, which can  leave us  feeling un-fulfilled and often frustrated.  In general, people  know  what  their  talents and  gifting are, and  in some cases, its  others who  can realise a potential  or identity  your skills, for e.g in the case of  football potential “new  players” are often  “scouted” someone realised some ones skills.

Building with purpose

So now you have  identified you have a gift, then  what ?  just  because you have a gift/ talent  eg say  you  can Sing, Design, Write,  Act, an athlete of some  sort, or  play  several  instruments, etc, whilst  we acknowledge the talents,  we  must  also ensure  that  we  exercise  the gift, by this i mean, If we  need  to invest  perhaps more of  our time, finances , or it could be  learning  something new to enhance your skills then you need  to do so. If  it was simply based  on talent alone, there  will never be the  need for rehearsals, practice runs,  training sessions etc , we have to understand that our  talents and skills  need to be developed, challenged and tested.

Remember  that  what ever  you have  within you  as  a gift, talent or skill has  been deposited  by the divine  author of our lives for a specific purpose.  If you let it , out and dare to take   a  step of faith  your open your self to  and ocean with endless possibilities. On the other hand  if  you sit on the gift  you have been  given,you will never experience the  level of dimension of  your true potential, you cheat yourself but more so you deprive others from the fruit of  your talent.

I love the scripture  below in  2 Timothy 1-6 , as it reminds us that yes Gods given us the Gift/Talents,but  theres a part we have to play we have to activate  the gift.

 2 Timothy 1-6  “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands”

No gift ,talent,or ability  is insignificant, often we think the bigger the packaging  or the  more  costly  the  gift  the  more impact it  has, this is not  necessarily true.

In Matthew 25:14-30 ( please read for context) we read  about ” The  Parable of the Talent

Please use  your  God  given talents, don’t let it waste away,  let us  not  be like the servant who buried the one  talent  he was given, he failed  to  use  and  develop his talent wisely . Read Matthew verse 25:24-30  it tells us about the  fate  of the servant, let us not be the ones who  bury and sit on the  gift and talent that was  so freely given to us .

Be encouraged: Use what you have,don’t downgrade your talents, don’t compare yourself to others,if God  put it in there , He  will help you bring it out, and all will be to the  glory of the  Lord. 

Remember with God all things are  possible !!

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