Letter to my sister -Know who you are

Dear Sister

I happen to read during one of my devotional, Psalm 139, and verses “14 -17 ” jumped  right at me, and caught  my attention and reminded me again of who I am, whose I am,and the handywork of my God and creator the perfect one .This awesome reminder made me pause and reflect and this I share with you sis:

“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ” We are Gods design, Skilfully made to precision,the blueprint, DNA  everything  about our lives was formed to perfection.Sometimes we need to stop, look at ourselves and realise the awesomeness of God’s design.

Sister, Current climate – the world we are living in is so caught up with  its self, and is  constantly trying to catch up with its self. With the revolution of “social media”,no one is immune, we are becoming a society  so caught up about how we look,(not to put a damper on this )having the  right lighting ,to post on our “social media platform” and selfie junkies.(not gonna lie I like selfies )

Sister on a serious note It’s not what you wear,or how you look or how long your hair is ..or how curly ,wavy ,Afro or straight it may be, that sets you apartWe all have substance and a lot more to offer than our artificial posture.

“Beauty lies within the hidden parts” Sister I share this with you: A woman,who is confident in herself, knowing her worth ,values her worth adds and protects her worth, this a woman who  shines above many precious jewels. Do not sell yourself short  for short  term  gain , or desperation, all that glitters really  isnt gold. There is no currency  on earth for a woman’s worth .

Sister,not my words, but It is often said that “women like to talk a lot “, hmm  just saying !!,and  being one, I know we do,at least I know I do. I’ve learnt that , It’s not who speaks the loudest or articulates themselves the best, but the woman who speaks with wisdom, first understands the power of the tongue,and is able to speak a  word in season, in love and truth and speaks when need arises. 

Can your words diffuse a ? fire or will they cause it to spread like wild fire, Can your words bring healing though it stings it’s done out of love. Can your words lift up and brighten someone’s dark days and show them the light again. Sister let our words bring life and encouragement to someone else.

Above all this is the woman who knows ,who she is in Christ though she may stumble,or even fall on the way she  dries her tears and  rises  up again,because she knows the Rock on which she stands and  knows that’s she is led and held by the hand of her Heavenly Father, this is a woman confident in her relationship  with her Father, Steadfast immovable she stands.

Sister I leave this with you  remember “know who you are”, know whose  you are, know your worth  and value it. You are beautiful  not because of external adornments, but because ,you have been called beautiful by the one who created you. Desire the true hidden beauty whose sparkle does not easily fade away.

Sister you are beautiful never  doubt yourself you have been Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – Psalm 139 -14

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