Pieces in the Puzzle-Part1

P U Z Z L E  

Finding me in the puzzle

Life is like a box of jigsaw puzzle being put together, each piece has been uniquely designed,shaped and cut to fit in its exact place. Your  piece cannot fit in mine and likewise mine in yours. Every piece has been designed with a purpose. Some form the borders and others the inner pieces. If you have ever fixed a puzzle before then you know what I mean and if not,  perhaps you should try putting one together its fun. I know the world has gone into “techno overdrive “ so I wonder if kids even play with puzzles these days? anyway just a side issue back to the plan.

Your piece your place 

One of the first things to understand and grasp from the onset is to realise that you are “unique”. We have all being created to live on this earth with a purpose, each with different gifting’s, abilities and talents. we have all being created uniquely. “No one can do you like you do” so we need to learn  not compare ourselves with each other, we are all different and that is the beauty of it. Once you understand this, you need to embrace you and know that your piece in the puzzle is important and plays a specific and important part in completing the puzzle, when your piece is missing the puzzle is not completed.So find your piece and keep playing. Part 2 Find it and use it.


3 thoughts on “Pieces in the Puzzle-Part1”

  1. Its so true! We need to know who we are..find our unique piece that adds it’s own value. Today we’re so busy trying to be like everyone else to fit in. But we are all individual parts of a bigger beautiful puzzle. Love it! Thank you

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