Overcoming Fear -Part 5- Confronting The Giant (The Big F)

Confronting The Giant(The Big F)

Who will pass my test for me I thought but I quickly had to snap out of it, as I knew that was never an option.  Deep down the reality was I wanted to drive so badly, not just for my own personal achievement, but for my family. I was also getting tired of constantly begging for rides and if you have ever been on the receiving side waiting on people to give you a ride, you will understand exactly where I am coming from. I was in need, so I was always dancing to their tune, it goes like this” when I want to go home they are not ready, and when I want to stay they want to go”. To be totally honest, there was no way around this. For me to stand any chance of ever achieving my goal to drive again and pass my practical test. I knew I had to confront my “Big F”.

I will never forget the day I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of being afraid. It was a cold winters evening and it was raining. I was on my way home from shopping, and waiting for the bus. It was just one of those days, I waited and waited no sign of the bus. I walked all the way home crying with tears streaming down my face. My shopping was heavy with no one to help and in my anger and desperation, I cried out “God I cannot do this anymore,I need to go back and learn how to drive” I cried out to God.Seriously this is what I said “God you created the car, the car cannot control me, but I can control the car, fear has to go. 

I knew I could do it. The only problem was, I had given fear way too much access in my life than it needed. Fear had consumed me, it had me right in its targeted position, a place where it could stifle me and hinder me to progress to the next level a place of conquest.read more Overcoming Fear-Part 6 Starting the“Fear Free Diet”

Psalm 34-4 ” I sought the Lord, and he answered me, He delivered me from all my fears”

At some point you have to confront your fears otherwise, you will remain a captive for a very long time, no one can confront your fears but you

If you have confronted your fears what was your turning point in confronting your fears?

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