INVITATION -Part 1 ” You are cordially invited to “


The value of an invitation

Dear   ………………………………………………

You are cordially invited to ….., we request the company of……  You are invited to….

Have you been invited to any event lately? Be it a Birthday Celebration, Wedding, Awards Ceremony, Christening, and the list goes on… regardless of the nature of the event, there is just something about being invited? Or receiving an invitation. Generally speaking must people love to receive invitations, it brings an air of excitement and kind of makes you feel special in a way and in some cases humbling and appreciative, especially if you weren’t expecting the invite.

Receiving an invitation to an event is not something I think we should take lightly, having had the experience both socially and professionally to be involved with events planning, there is a thing or two I’ve learnt along the way and now appreciate, which I hope you find useful.

Reflection: Never anticipate an invite or make assumptions to receive one based on your social status, position, acquaintances, relationship, networks, sometimes people think it’s a given but until you receive an invite  please do not assume you’ll  get one. 

Making the cut to the final guest list

People sometimes are under the assumption that it is easy to put a guest list together…hmm somehow I am not convinced that’s the case. For those who have walked in my shoes and have tried to organise any form of event regardless of the numbers, will know it’s not that simple, names aren’t just picked out of a hat or randomly selected. For any name to make the guest list there must have been some thought, deliberation, so if you make the final guest list, please please do show some appreciation for the invite you receive. It’s very possible that other names had to be crossed off for yours to get on the list so please value your invite.

Reflection: Appreciate your invitation, you were chosen over others who would love to be in your place.

RSVP (répondez s’il vous plaît a French word which simply means “Please Respond”

Oh… that word that seems to be consciously ignored for most part!! I am sure you have heard of the word R.S.V.P right? How many times can you honestly say you R.S.V.P to the event you’ve been invited to? If yes, well done clap for yourself did you RSVP on time? Or did you get constant reminders! Lol if you can relate. There’s nothing more frustrating for and event organiser trying to finalise an event and delegates /guest simply won’t RSVP. We all can help minimise stress the numbers and guest list help event planners shape their event so play your part towards a successful event.

Reflection: Please try to respond next time you receive an invitation be it verbal, written it’s courteous to RSVP.

Getting ready for the Event: 

So you made the cut, received the invite, RSVP and now what?? I know for most people, the minute you receive an invite, we are ecstatic and  experience temporary elevation and soon find we make our gradual decent back to earth on solid  ground ….and then it kicks in the thought  starts to invade our mind is  argggghh  panic !!!! I know women we tend to be masters at this, and some men may be too so that’s fine.

However there are the”smart ones “who will not panic!! But rather will check their diaries first as they may not need to attend they are the smart thinkers that what I say. So once thought kicks in boy! I mean my mind is scanning my wardrobe, trying to coordinate outfits ,shoes and hair simultaneously. With the  “flash on the screen saying you have nothing to wear”  mean while you have so much to choose from and  some clothes still have the price tags on… just  saying …maybe it’s just me. Girl you need to get a grip and it’s not even your event do you want to out-stage the celebrant!!  To be continued……you do not want to miss this so stay locked in and watch out…In Part Two of the” INVITATION” I will share with you some lessons and experience of  The Greatest Invitation and The Royal Banquette



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