Overcoming Fear-Part 6 Starting the“Fear Free Diet”

Starting the“Fear Free Diet”

Shortly after confronting my Big “F”, I knew I had to do something, I had to take action otherwise all that confrontation, was “hot air” and all  in vein!. So the elimination process kicked in,I got my diet plan I reviewed it, I made sure I had the right things to start my diet.

I booked my car theory test, and I passed thank God for grace, I then found a new driving school and had an excellent instructor, but above all,God gave me the courage to get behind the steering wheel  again  Hurray!! I was committed and focused even though at times fear will try to stick its ugly head trying to invade my thought process, for it  I had my stone and sling ready to slay it.

This scripture was a great encouragement to me during this time, 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” I will say this to myself out loud, whenever I felt fear creeping in, and gradually my confidence began to grow and my driving was improving. Starting The Fear Free Diet

We often have plans,project and goals, but unless we take action, be focused and aim for the goal, they will always  be unattainable because we did not activate

What needs a call to Action?………. Press and Activate.!


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