New Years Resolution Pruning into 2022 core difference

Our Place Of Readiness Says A Lot
With a week into the New Year, I wanted to start with something a bit different.
Well hmm so much for being different after the past 2 years we’ve experienced. I feel we all need a bit of positivity and good vibes for 2022 right! I thought so thanks for agreeing with me!
In one word how would you sum up 2021?
I think every year especially the earlier months of the year tend to be full of anticipation, excitement and full of expectation, fuelled with motivation and that’s good. We often have all our New Years resolutions, plans, goals you name it!
Have you ever broken your resolutions within the same month? Yep I definitely have.
Setting Your Goal
Setting a different kind of goal and for 2022 will most certainly be welcomed.
The world is still feeling the bruises of COVID 19. Even though I think the world had a bit of atmospheric shake…a mini purge when the world stood still. Did you not remember globally we all could relate! No travelling and lockdown was no joke!
People had time to reflect on what’s really important to them.The events and effect of the global reshuffle, I hope will direct us in setting different type goals and styles of resolution.
The Difference Is You
The reason I choose to start off with this was for us to pause before we do a deep dive Into 2022.
One of the first steps to move forward this year I felt was the need to learn or relearn how to prioritise you. Yes you.
You are going to be the game changer this year seriously. What do I mean exactly? read on. Some people are great at doing just that putting themselves first and each person has their own interpretation of prioritising it could be just a bit of self-care, shopping spree within your “budget” etc. or simply going for a walk.

Pruning is going to be your second step, but I know some times we struggle with letting go off habits, attitudes,cutting off toxic relationships, and energy from our lives. It could also be Yep you are going to learn how to strip out the things that will cause you to go back to a place you already accelerated from. Only you will know so take a good look and prune them out. No more hoarding get ready to create space for growth. Anything that’s stifling your growth to blossom got to leave the premises of your life.
What’s Pruning
Prune where we get the word pruning. Definition from the oxford dictionary mean “trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems especially to encourage growth”
Space Activates Growth
An artist can work with what you give them they can adapt they can recreate and building on what’s in their hand and deliver your request. Give an artist free reign or scope to an open space or blank paper to use their creativity their imagination is activated and they will use this freedom to deliver a bespoke piece that will leave you speechless and in awe.
We as people at least, some of us are so used to following traditions, so the hope was to set a challenge first to myself. I didn’t want to fill in another diary or resolution plan just because it’s the thing to do as it were.
Yes I have an idea of what I want to achieve and vision board mentally but the thought of first pruning was exciting I was challenging myself to do the opposite. I am of the biblical school of making the vision plain as in Habakkuk 2:2
The usual for me is review last year and then just move stuff around add on and delete of my list. This time round pruning is definitely activated and in progress. I let you in on a Tee though!

Just Start
Do you want to guess where I started my pruning ? my phone you heard me my big small IPhone why do I have all these people on who didn’t say boo to me all year, even though they be monitoring my status and timeline lol ! They got to go cut them dead branches off!
Let’s start this new year by dealing with this and then launching into our actual vision boards, goals , and activate those desires and dreams. Prune and cut down taking out the distractors we can see,hear when we have better focus and silence the negative voices.
Don’t allow fear to distract you either it’s a killer of destiny in one of my very first blog post I shared my experience on how dear tried to cripple me even before I started read about it here
@rahiyashttp://@rahiya Speaks Just Start
I hope you found this read encouraging and thought provoking. A short piece to encourage us to review ourselves and perhaps do it quarterly rather than yearly .Pruning facilitates growth nothing is impossible so what ever you decide to do this year be purposeful, focus ,protect your me time, enjoy every day ,laugh ,love give and be the best you can give .
In all of this our life ,work ,education, relationships,finances first and foremost commit your plans and desire to the Lord our God
Go Get It
It’s Yours If You Want It
1 thought on “New Years Resolution Pruning into 2022 core difference”
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This was thought provoking. Deep insight and beautiful start to 2022. May we all take time for ourselves and learn to relearn.