Putting yourself first:
Lesson N01- Learning to choose you
Learning to make choices that involve putting you first. By that I mean you and I consciously choosing our peace and happiness first. Creating a safe and happy space for you, accepting and attracting only those thoughts and energy that creates clean energy around you that allows you to breathe.
Lesson N02 – Learning the art of saying NO
Let the two letter words NO become assimilated in you vocabulary. The power of NO is instrumental in achieving lesson no 2. The reason being in mastering the ability to say NO releases a power force that you never imagined. Saying No release your time, saves you money , helps you to focus on your project or simply allows you to invest in the things you want to do

Lesson N03 – Learning to enjoy your me time dates
I cannot stress this enough, we are so caught up with our fingers glued to our phones and we have forgotten how to stop and be still. This is my personal share, priorities yourself, remember you are important .” I love having time to myself so, I will go to a restaurant, café, order my food and enjoy myself. Sometimes I cook, or order a meal or eat what I have at home and binge out on Netflix or my Nollywood movies which I absolutely loooveeee. If you don’t want to binge on movies then use this space for what you enjoy.

Lesson N04 – Learning to switch off
Learn to do this and you would have bagged a winning ticket to priortising yourself. I guess you can say lesson 3 and 4 are slightly linked, but in order to put you first, you have to carve and protect the space for you to just relax. work, school, family, relationships and other commitment if not managed well can overwhelm us. So what do we do? stop carrying over your work pressures into family time. Learn to have boundaries. Work is work and home is home period.
Lesson 4 requires action .You should try and switch off your phone, I mean consciously turn off the phone for a couple of hours ,no alerts, alarm, or text . Its not so bad to receive the alerts its our inability to say NO I am not going to respond to this now. The reality is FOMO is activated and we feel we need to have our phones round the clock. Nothing will happen to you if you switched of your phones . This is a common practice routine for me. However if I am activating that mood I let VVIP know so to minimise the alarm if they cant get hold of me. You can decide who Those VVIP are in your life.
Lesson N05 – Learning to evolve
Aspiring to grow and become better versions of ourselves is definitely a priority. If you don’t do it for you who will?. Life is a constant learning ground. No one can claim they are so perfect they don’t need to evolve.
The reason why this lesson is so important is because we want to give ourselves, family and the world the best versions possible of ourselves. How do we learn to evolve? lets start by putting all the above lesson in practice. Once we do we are positioned strategically in a place where you know what you want ,you have identified the areas you need to grow and what you need to do to get there.
Putting yourself first means consciously making positive energy connections. Surrounding yourself with good vibe, speaking life into your future and destiny. You protect your space, you don’t just open yourself up to all sorts. You learn to asses which conversations, events and relationships is worth investing your time money and energy to and which ones are definitely adieus.
Let’s grow together
I hope these 5 lessons starters will help you in your journey to prioritising yourself or if your already on that journey continue on that path without feeling any guilt whatsoever. Remember there’s only one of you and you are responsible for making you happy. So keep on track .Please read this short insight which encourages us to start again. https://rahiyas.com/a-blank-sheet-of-paper-requires-your-attention/
Learn to choose you and make yourself a priority is good. I haven’t stopped being a help and a blessings to others. I have just learnt to put my matter as priority.I hope this read encourages you to.