“Everyone Needs Love and Everyone Wants to Be Loved”Loving in different forms
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It’s the end of February, so the “Love Month” is finally over, the cards, roses, chocolates have been put away until next year, right? and all the single people will breathe a sigh of relief!!!!!!!
I am sure you will agree that love is not only expressed on St Valentine’s Day, but in fact love is an essential part of life. Love is a choice, we make the decision daily to choose to love even when we don’t feel like or we may feel the person isn’t deserving of it, we continue to Love.
It is very hard to escape the issue of Love and Relationships so just be real! We are all gisting about this, Be it a work, with family and friends, neighbours!
I am not quite sure what your current relationship status, is and I don’t want to make assumptions. I hope you find this short post an enjoyable read and hope the following pointers below helps in some way or inspire you.
1- Be True to yourself
We are by nature relational people, we have been created by God who in His very nature is Love. “no man is an island” this saying you may have heard before, basically saying we all need each other. I have always wondered why sometimes those of us who desire to be in a relationship tend to shy away from being open and confident in expressing this desire. Stop beating yourself and feeling guilty.
- There is nothing wrong in desiring to be loved and be in love, it is a natural human emotion.
- There nothing bad about saying I’d love to meet someone and settle down or get married.
Next time you are asked or perhaps having a conversation about this, be bold true to yourself and express your desire
Genesis 2:18 has already given you the ok that” it is not good for man to be alone”. The foundation has already been laid.
2-Cut to the chase
“So, every body’s talking about it, but nobody’s really talking about it”
This I found intriguing, there is such a pretence about this no one want to be seen talking about this openly for fear of perhaps been labelled as “too desperate” or not “modest enough in your speech” and especially in “Christendom world” we tend to tread carefully to avoid slip offs.
Don’t over spiritualise things just be real, you know you spend a lot of time talking to your friends, family, colleagues about relationships.
Trust me it’s a Hot Topic behind the scenes, if phones could really talk, it sure will tell the real story. My dear sisters and brothers, why do we pretend as if we are not interested (I myself have been guilty of this one too!) meanwhile it’s at the top of their prayer list and all your friends, and perhaps even mama’s prayer list!
We specialise in “Christianise language “it’s often a nice way to cover up the truth of our real desires, just to keep people from asking me too many questions !!! even though deep down I wanted to talk about it, but I didn’t feel comfortable.
I believe that we need to be true to ourselves of firstly what we need and then, we can boldly bring your request to God.
Identify what you need and then take it to God in prayer, then wait.
3- Loving Me
We all want to be loved by another human like ourselves, not forgetting they have issues too. Before jumping too deep, just a pre-self-checklist
- Have we learnt to love ourselves?
- Do you really know what we are made up?
- Do you really know you?
- Can you love yourself?
Do the things your love, learn a new skill or hobby, a new language, build yourself.
I think that loving and developing yourself is a great investment in your life.
Unfortunately, we are in an era where young couples’ men and women are having a great awakening when the get married and find out they are both novice on home management skills, can’t cook, clean, or manage finances and general basic lifestyle skills.
- Learn to love yourself, be kind to yourself, no one can love you like you can. Develop yourself don’t wait until you are in a relationship before you start.
- If you think you may benefit from some help in home management and other skills that will help you grow, please link up with someone reputable, or recommended who you can learn from.
- So, when love happens, you would have started the loving me care journey
Get ideas and set your self-goals of things you would like to do to develop yourself
4.Loving Others
The world needs love, it is full of people desperate for love. Just look around locally what’s happening in your country, or cities, families, society, and what’s happening globally in the world. It shows a chilling picture, a clear indication of the depletion of love in the world.
God is love, as children of God, we should be carriers of love and outpourers of Love to others around us and those that come our way. We may not be able to reach the world, but we start from somewhere and do something small.
love can be defined in varying ways; we can love in kind, our time, our words, financial support, we can do practical things like visiting someone, cooking, helping someone in need, a family member, a stranger, giving respite support by taking the children for a few hours, loving others is always rewarding.
1 John 4 -11 “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
Suggested Bible Reference: Read 1st John 3 v10-23, 1 John 4:7-21(Love )
How have you demonstrated love to others recently? if you haven’t thought of ways you can extend love others and act on it, I would love to hear from you so please share what you have done.